OLG’s Halloween Dance-A-Thon

Our Halloween Fundraiser is well underway. We are off to a great start and we thank families for the generous donations that have come in thus far. Please be sure to send back your envelopes by Monday to ensure that your child is eligible for one of the many prizes. We are still looking for donations to add to our prizes.

This is our major fundraiser for the year. All proceeds from this event go right back to the school to help offset the costs of much needed technology updates and other school needs.

For individual donations, please see below for those of you who wish to utilize the Online Payment Option:

Parents are strongly encouraged to utilize the York Catholic District School Board’s on-line payment system for donations to the school at www.canadahelps.org.  This is a safe and secure method to make an individual donation to the school through an on-line payment method and receive a tax receipt immediately. York Catholic District School Board Aurora is the charity name; select the school name from the “Apply your donation to a specific fund set up by this charity” drop down list. To identify this donation for a particular student, indicate the student’s name in the “send a message for this charity” or the “in honour” section below”.

Cheques and Cash:

If you prefer to pay with cash or cheque, individual Cash or Cheque pledges of $25 or more are eligible for a tax receipt through the board; only these individual pledge cheques are to be made payable to YCDSB. Dance-a-thon pledges will only be eligible for receipts based on INDIVIDUAL pledges (1 cheque for multiple pledges will not qualify). Cheques and cash can be placed in the donation envelopes.

Thank you again for your generosity,