Category: General

Opening Day Procedures: First Day of School Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The staff missed the students dearly and we can’t wait to see everyone. The first day of school is on Wednesday, September 8th at 8:30 am. Please note that you will be notified of your child’s homeroom teacher on Tuesday, September 7th via SchoolMessenger.

Please ensure that ALL students bring: 

    1. Mandatory Masks (Grades 1-8). It is recommended for
  1. ... Continue reading "Opening Day Procedures: First Day of School Wednesday, September 8, 2021"

OLG Re-Entry Plan

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope you are all keeping well and enjoying the summer and looking forward to the start of the upcoming school year.  Please expect ongoing and regular communication over the next couple of weeks as we prepare the school re-entry procedures, protocols and practices in an effort  to keep our school community safe.  All communication will be sent via School Messenger ... Continue reading "OLG Re-Entry Plan"

2020-21 Yearbook…We need your help

Dear Parents/Guardians,

June is around the corner and we are entering the final stretch of the school year. Here are instructions for how to upload your child’s photo for our annual yearbook. Given that we are limited with our ability to collect photos, we are asking for your assistance to make this year’s yearbook a possibility.

The first link below will ... Continue reading "2020-21 Yearbook…We need your help"

Catholic Education Week @OLG

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

Each year, the “Catholic community of Ontario engages in a week-long celebration of the unique identity and distinctive contributions of Catholic education during Catholic Education Week.” This year, Catholic Education Week will be celebrated from May 2 – 7. This years’ theme, ‘Nurturing Hope’ builds on last year’s theme and calls for us to reflect on what nurturing hope ... Continue reading "Catholic Education Week @OLG"

ShareLife 2021

At Our Lady of Grace, it is our goal to grow students to become creative and critical thinkers who integrate Gospel values into their daily lives. Charitable giving to help people who are less fortunate is one of the ways we can foster these values in our students. ShareLife is the charitable arm of the Archdiocese of Toronto. It supports more than 40 Catholic agencies ... Continue reading "ShareLife 2021"