Category: General

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The season of Thanksgiving is upon us and as we reflect on our many blessings, we also think of those in our local communities who are in need. This year, more than ever before, local residents might be struggling to provide food for their families. The Aurora Food Pantry has been helping individuals in Aurora and north Oak Ridges to provide ... Continue reading "Thanksgiving Food Drive"

Catholic School Council Nomination Procedures

Greetings Parents/Guardians,

This is an important message about the Catholic School Council online election process for the 2020-21 school year.  

As a parent/guardian of a child at this school, you are eligible to self-nominate or nominate another parent/guardian of a child at this school to be a voting member of Catholic School Council.  Use the following link to open ... Continue reading "Catholic School Council Nomination Procedures"

Safety at OLG

Dear Parents & Caregivers,

The SAFETY of our students, staff, and Our Lady of Grace families at large, is our top priority.  It is also a collective responsibility.  We want our community to remain healthy and health-conscious, and we are requesting your support and cooperation.

Public Health mandates mask-wearing in our community when physical distancing cannot be maintained. Our school yard, ... Continue reading "Safety at OLG"